3rd Floor

Nicola López: Transformation City

 – , 2008


Nicola López: Transformation City will be on view at Pace Prints Chelsea gallery from April 10th through May 6th 2008. The exhibition will feature a large scale 75 foot long monoprint/installation and a series of 4 new prints, printed and published by Pace Editions. López, who is by training a printmaker, uses the language of printmaking to create environments that convey a sense of the automation and mass production of modern society. By recombining recurring elements within her prints, López has created a visual language that traces her history of forms and colors over the course of her varied prints and installations.

“The landscape that we live in has become saturated with signs of the easy mobility, speed, constant communication, imposition of structure, insistence on growth and glorification of technology that have come to be so characteristic of our society today. My work incorporates these signs, exaggerating and reconfiguring them in order to build maps that convey the sense of wonder and vertigo that is inevitable as we face the landscape of today’s world.” - Nicola López

The 75 foot long monoprint/installation is best described as a walk around Lopez’s virtual city. Incorporating various architectural forms, this monumental work is a history of the process of Lopez’s printmaking, utilizing the matrices and visual elements of the editions. Her 4 prints, Earth, Water, Fire and Air (all 2008) combine etching, woodcut and carborundum collograph elements that are cut and collaged together to create these scenes of urban chaos and clutter.

Nicola López (b. 1975) was born in Santa Fe, NM, and lives and works in Brooklyn. She received her BA and MFA from Columbia University. Nicola López shows at Caren Golden Fine Art in New York City, and her work has been exhibited across the USA, Central and South America, and Europe.

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